Friday, August 9, 2024


By Eva Fydrych

The Art of Loving Your Natural Self

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"Beauty is not just what we put on our skin, but how we feel within." - Eva Fydrych

As someone who has been working in the fashion industry for several years, attending countless events, shows, and parties, I've observed an alarming trend that has left me both concerned and reflective. The allure of looking "perfect" has led many women to adopt a beauty regimen that often resembles wearing a mask, with layers of makeup transforming their natural features to the point of becoming unrecognisable. 

This fixation on cosmetic enhancement has gone beyond makeup, fuelling a growing popularity of plastic procedures that promise to create an idealised version of beauty and to make you happy forever. Unfortunately, many fall into the trap.

Having witnessed this phenomenon firsthand, I've been planning to write about it for a while now. A recent email from Ditoi Beauty, along with an invitation to present my beauty philosophy to a wider audience, came at just at the right time. I feel compelled to share my perspective, as I've discovered that simplifying my life and saying no to social pressure has significantly improved my overall wellbeing.

But first, let's have a look at the latest data to better understand the scale of the problem...

The Numbers

According to recent statistics, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that nearly 25.4 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the United States alone in 2023, a number that has been steadily increasing over the years.

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"The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) released the results of its annual Global Survey on Aesthetic/Cosmetic Procedures this week at the ISAPS World Congress in Cartagena, showing a higher increase of 5.5% in surgical procedures, with more than 15.8 million procedures performed by plastic surgeons and 19.1 non-surgical procedures. Over the last four years, the overall increase is 40%." - Source: ISAPS

It is also worth noticing that "85.5% of the total number of (worldwide) aesthetic procedures are performed on women".

This surge in popularity indicates not just a personal choice for many, but a societal pressure that suggests women must enhance their features to be considered beautiful.

Social Pressure

In recent years, the beauty and fashion industry has increasingly imposed unrealistic standards that have rapidly taken over social media. From perfectly sculpted faces to flawless complexions, these ideals have led many individuals to seek artificial enhancements such as plastic surgery (mainly rhinoplasty and eye lid surgery), fillers, Botox, lip enhancement, fake eyelashes, hair extensions, and more. 

While these options may offer temporary solutions for fitting into society's narrow definition of beauty, they often create a disconnect from our true selves. With so may artificial adjustments, it's easy to forget who you truly are beneath the layers of enhancement. 

This trend is particularly worrying, as it sends a message that our worth is tied to our appearance, and that the only path to beauty is through (costly and often dangerous) external modifications. Women are increasingly told that they must conform to a narrow set of ideals, leading to a cycle where self-worth becomes contingent on the ability to invest in cosmetic enhancements.

Behind this industry is a powerful financial machine; plastic surgeons and cosmetic companies represent a wealthy segment of society that profits from these insecurities.

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Changing the Narrative

As I navigate this complex world, I am a reminder of the importance of embracing our natural beauty and promoting self-acceptance. It has never been more important to challenge the notion that enhancement defines beauty and to advocate for a more inclusive understanding of what it means to be beautiful – one that celebrates authenticity rather than conformity.

True beauty starts with healthy skin, and one of the best ways to achieve it is by minimising the chemicals you put on your face and body. Emphasising a natural beauty routine allows you to nourish your skin, promote its health, and embrace your authentic self.

By choosing to step away from heavy makeup and artificial enhancements, you can celebrate your unique features and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the skin you're in. This shift not only prioritises your skin's health but also encourages a more genuine connection with yourself, reminding you that real beauty shines from within.

New Approach

As we move through 2024, more and more people start embracing a fresh and uncomplicated approach: natural beauty. This trend is all about celebrating who we are, highlighting our unique features, and choosing products that are good for our skin and the environment. It's a shift away from heavy makeup and complicated routines, and it's resonating with those who are looking for authenticity and simplicity in their beauty regimens.

What's driving this movement? As consumers are becoming aware of what goes into their beauty products, they want to use clean, eco-friendly items that are both safe and effective. Brands are stepping up to meet his demand, offering skincare and makeup that focus on natural ingredients. These products are not only better for our skin but also kinder to the planet.

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A natural beauty routine emphasises hydration and nourishment. It encourages us to listen to our skin's needs and to choose products that support healthy skin rather than cover it up. One handy item that fits perfectly into this routine is the charcoal makeup remover towel. This simple tool effectively removes makeup and impurities helping to detoxify the skin. It's a practical addition that makes caring for your skin easier and more effective.

More women are also becoming aware of the fact that plastic surgery is a vicious circle (there is always something to "improve") and that the only way to create lasting happiness and inner peace is by accepting who you truly are

Slowing Down

Natural beauty is also about changing how we think about our beauty rituals. Instead of rushing through our routines, this trend invites us to take a moment for ourselves. Whether i's applying a soothing face mask made from organic ingredients or giving our skin a gentle massage with a nourishing oil, these small acts of self-care can make a big difference. They remind us that beauty is not just about the looks; it's about how we feel in our own skin.

Embracing Simplicity

Another appealing aspect of natural beauty is flexibility. You don't need a complicated makeup kit to look good. A fresh, dewy complexion, a bit of colour on the cheeks, and brushed-up brows can create a polished look that feels effortless. This approach works for everyone, no matter their age or personal style.

Embracing a natural beauty routine allows your skin to breathe and take a much-needed break from being covered by layers of makeup. When you reduce the amount of products you use, you're giving your skin the opportunity to recover and thrive. Many traditional makeup products contain chemicals that can irritate or damage the skin over time. By choosing lighter, more natural alternatives, you not only enhance your features but also prioritise the health of your skin.

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Life on My Terms

Embracing imperfection is a powerful journey toward self-acceptance and authenticity. In a world that often glorifies flawlessness and perfection, recognising that our unique traits and perceived "flaws" make us who we are can be liberating.

Every scar, wrinkle, and asymmetry tells a story, reflecting our experiences, growth, and resilience. By celebrating these imperfections, instead of correcting them or hiding under many layers of makeup, we shift our focus from unattainable ideals to genuine beauty that lies in authenticity and self-confidence. This acceptance fosters a deeper connection with ourselves and others, encouraging us to appreciate the richness of individuality.

When we embrace imperfection, we not only liberate ourselves from the constrains of societal expectations but also inspire those around us to the same – reminding us all that true beauty radiates from within, rooted in self-love and acceptance. 

In sharing my point of view, I hope to inspire others to take the first step in this life-long journey, to start appreciating their unique features, and to redefine beauty on their own terms. Good luck!



1. Plastic Surgery Sees Steady Growth Amidst Economic Uncertainty, American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2023 Procedural Statistics Report Finds (June 25, 2024 /PRNewswire):

2. Global Survey 2023: Aesthetic procedures close to 35 million in 2023 (June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire):

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