Sunday, August 18, 2024


By Eva Fydrych

How Simple Choices Transform Your Skin

Photos: Canva

"Embracing natural beauty is about more than just skincare; it's a lifestyle choice the fosters self-acceptance, health, and authenticity." - Eva Fydrych

In a world where hustle and bustle often overshadow our wellbeing, many women are recognising the importance of simplifying their beauty routines.

The natural beauty trend is about celebrating authenticity, embracing imperfections, and enhancing one's unique features rather than masking them up with layers of heavy makeup. This shift is not merely about aesthetics; it reflects a broader cultural movement towards sustainability, mindfulness, and self-acceptance.

One of the key elements driving this trend is the increasing demand for clean, eco-friendly products that promote healthy skin. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ingredients in their beauty products, opting for items that are not only effective but also safe for the environment.

The natural beauty routine encourages a focus on skin health, which means prioritising hydration, nourishment, and protection. A standout product that perfectly encapsulates this philosophy is Ditoi face towel. This innovative tool not only effectively removes makeup but also leaves skin feeling soft and smooth, thanks to 100% biodegradable natural fibers. Ditoi disposable face towel is a more hygienic alternative to cloth towels, ensuring the skin is untouched by bacteria, fungus, and build-up that may harbour on traditional face towels. It's a simple yet effective way to maintain a healthy complexion, making in a staple in any natural beauty regimen.

Photo courtesy of Ditoi Beauty

The natural beauty trend isn't just about the products we use; it's also how we approach beauty rituals. As we slowly transition into the colder months, taking the time to indulge in self-care becomes even more vital. Whether it's a calming facial massage with a nourishing oil or a soothing mask made from organic ingredients, these moment of mindfulness can transform our beauty routines into cherished self-care practices. 

The allure of natural beauty lies in its versatility. It allows for a more relaxed approach to makeup, where the focus is on enhancing rather than hiding. Soft, deny skin, brushed-up brows, and a hint of colour on the cheeks can create a fresh, effortless look that reflects the beauty of the season. This style resonates with women of all ages, making it a trend that transcends generations.

Photo: Unsplash

Here are fifteen practical ways to embrace the natural beauty trend this season:

1. Simplify Your Routine.

Reduce the number of products you use daily. Focus on essentials that enhance our natural features rather than cover them up.

2. Choose Clean Beauty Products.

Opt for skincare and makeup made with natural ingredients. Look for brands that prioritise eco-friendly practices and transparency.

3. Hydrate Your Skin.

Incorporate hydrating serums and moisturisers into your routine. Well-hydrated skin looks fresh and healthy, which is central to the natural beauty trend.

4. Incorporate Charcoal Tools.

Use a charcoal makeup removal towel to effectively cleanse your skin. This tool not only removes makeup but also helps to detoxify your skin.

5. Embrace Minimal Makeup.

Instead of heavy foundations, go for tinted moisturisers or BB creams. Use cream blushes and highlighters for a dewy finish.

Photo: Unsplash

6. Focus on Skincare.

Invest time in your skincare routine. Regular exfoliation, masks, and facial massage can improve your skin's texture and glow.

7. Enhance Natural Features.

Instead of hiding imperfections, highlight your best features. Use brow gels to define your eyebrows and natural lip tints for a pop of colour.

8. Practice Self-Care.

Take time for yourself. Incorporate rituals like masks, meditation, or a relaxing bath to nurture both your skin and your mind.

9. Stay Hydrated.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Hydrating plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy skin and a radiant complexion.

10. Celebrate Individuality.

Embrace your unique beauty. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on what makes you special and let that shine through your style and makeup choices.

Photo: Unsplash

11. Take a Break.

Incorporating makeup-free days into your routine can be a refreshing way to connect with your authentic self. Taking a break from makeup allows you to embrace your natural beauty and appreciate your features without any enhancements. On these days, you might find a sense of freedom and confidence in simply being yourself. It's an empowering experience that encourages self-acceptance and helps you recognise the you are beautiful just as you are, without the need for layers of products to validate your worth.

12. Watch Your Diet.

A healthy diet plays a crucial role in achieving beautiful skin. What you put into your body can significantly impact your complexion, making nutrition an essential part of your natural beauty routine. Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help nourish your skin from the inside out. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, promote skin elasticity and hydration. Reducing processed foods and excessive sugar can prevent breakouts and inflammation, leading to a clearer complexion.

By maintaining a balanced diet, you not only support your overall health but also enhance your skin's natural glow, reinforcing the idea that true beauty begins with what you fuel your body with.

Photo: Unsplash

13. Invest in Professional Treatments.

Regular facials can significantly contribute to achieving a beautiful skin. Facials provide a focused approach to skincare, allowing for deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration that can be hard to replicate at home. By incorporating professional facials into your routine, you can address specific skin concerns such as dryness, acne, or signs of aging. These treatments often utilise high-quality products and techniques that rejuvenate the skin, stimulate circulation, and promote cell turnover.

Moreover, facials can be a wonderful form of self-care, offering a chance to relax and unwind in a soothing environment. This mindful approach to skincare not only benefits your skin but also contributes to your overall wellbeing. When you take the time for regular facials, you are actively investing in your skin's health and embracing the natural beauty that comes from proper care and attention.

14. Enjoy the Outdoors.

Spending time outdoors and engaging in regular exercise are also vital components of maintaining beautiful skin. Fresh air and natural sunlight can help improve your complexion by promoting healthy circulation and providing essential vitamin D, which is crucial for skin health. Sunlight can also enhance your mood, reducing stress and contributing to an overall sense of wellbeing – factors that play a significant role in how your skin looks.

Exercise, on the other hand, is a fantastic way to boost your skin's radiance. Physical activity increases blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin while helping to eliminate toxins through sweat. This natural detoxification process can lead to a clearer and more vibrant complexion. Additionally, exercise supports your body's ability to manage stress, which can have a positive effect on skin conditions like acne and eczema.

Combing time outdoors with regular exercise not only benefits your skin but also enhances your overall health. By making it a priority to enjoy the outdoors and stay active, you embrace a holistic approach to beauty that reflects both your inner vitality and your outer glow.

15. Sleep More.

A consistent sleep routine is essential for achieving beautiful skin and overall wellbeing. During sleep, the body undergoes critical repair and regeneration processes, including the production of collagen, which helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness. Lack of sleep can led to increased stress hormones, resulting in inflammation and breakouts.

Prioritising quality sleep not only rejuvenates the skin but also enhances mental clarity and emotional health, creating a holistic foundation for embracing natural beauty. By cultivating good sleep habits, you can wake up feeling refreshed and radiant, ready to face the day with confidence.

Photo: Unsplash

Natural beauty is shaping up to be a major trend for Fall 2024. It encourages us to embrace our true selves and to prioritise products that promote health and wellbeing. With simple, effective tools like clean towels and a focus on clean ingredients, this trend makes it easy to care for our skin and feel confident in our natural beauty.

Moreover, adopting a natural approach can be incredibly budget-friendly. With fewer products to buy and a focus on essentials, you can save a significant amount of money every month.

So, as we look toward the future, let's celebrate authenticity and simplicity in our beauty routines. After all, true beauty shines from within.



"Holistic beauty refers to an approach that celebrates natural beauty by emphasising the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It recognises that true beauty emanates from within and is nurtured through healthy lifestyle choices, self-care practices, and a positive mindset.
This perspective encourages women to embrace their unique features, prioritise their overall health, and cultivate self-acceptance, leading to a radiant and authentic expression of beauty." - Eva Fydrych, Founder & Art Director of Fashion Studio Magazine

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