Saturday, September 18, 2021


By MarnĂ© Amoguis

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Does your beauty routine need a drastic makeover? If you've been using the same products for a while only to find your skin is looking dull and dry or your makeup has started to spoil, then now is the perfect time to discover new beauty products. Here are beauty products that will change your routine and your life.

Makeup Remover

Everyone who uses makeup, even if it's just a dash of foundation, needs makeup remover. The best thing you can do for your skin's health is to remove your makeup every night before bed to prevent acne and oil buildup. Not to mention, it will help save your pillowcases from stains. Makeup remover is especially beneficial if you have waterproof makeup that won’t come off with soap and water.

Makeup remover doesn't only help you remove your makeup off better than face wash; it can help clean up your look. Instead of covering up smudges of mascara and eyeliner that won't come off with water, you can use makeup remover to easily remove the areas of your face where your makeup went a little haywire.

There are several makeup removers on the market so you can find what's best for your skin.

Shampoo and Hair Conditioner

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Okay, you probably already have shampoo and hair conditioner, but do you have quality shampoo and hair conditioner? It's tempting to purchase the cheapest bottles at the grocery store, but quality products can transform your hair and make you feel more confident. Is there anything worse than waking up with a bad hair day? Good shampoo and conditioner can prevent you from ever waking up with an unruly bedhead ever again.

Consider your hair type and texture when shopping for shampoo. While many brands offer a one-size-fits-all solution, you can find a shampoo that helps your hair shine better than ever before. For example, if you have curly hair, aim for a shampoo and hair conditioning set that's developed for hair exactly like yours.

Dry Shampoo

If you've blow-dried your hair to perfection and don't want to redo it because of the fear you won't be able to, then you need dry shampoo. Dry shampoo gets rid of grease and oil on your scalp that can make your hair fall flat while prolonging your style and adding texture.

Make sure to opt for a dry shampoo that won't cause buildup or put a white powder on your roots.

Lengthening and Volumizing Mascara

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Who said you had to choose between length and volume when it comes to your eyelashes? Mascara is key to a complete makeup look, and it works great at highlighting your eyes without the need for eyeliner or eyeshadow. Mascara opens up your eyes to make you look more awake. If you only want one mascara in your beauty box, then choose one that's two-in-one and offers length and volume.

Neutral Eyeshadow

Whether or not you're a fan of eyeshadow, it helps to have one palette in your makeup bag that looks good on you no matter what time of day it may be. Choose a palette with a nice range of shades so you can work with a variety of looks without having to switch between palettes.

Anti-Aging Cream

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Anti-aging cream is key to ensuring your skin stays soft, supple, and wrinkle-free. While you won't be able to prevent every wrinkle on your skin, you can prevent deep lines from setting in. It is never too early to start an anti-aging cream, so this should be added to every person’s regime.

Night Cream

Similar to anti-aging cream, a night cream is all about providing your skin with essential moisture while you sleep.

Nighttime is the perfect time for you to use heavier skincare products after you take off your makeup because you don't have to worry about looking oily in the comfort of your own home.


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While you may not consider sunscreen a beauty product, anything that impacts your skin for the better is a beauty product. Sunscreen can protect you from harsh UV rays that can lead to sunburns and premature aging. You can find a variety of skincare products for your face with SPF that you can use every morning.

If you're still looking for a sun-kissed skin tone, then opt for spray tans or a tanning lotion that can give you the skin tone you want without endangering your skin.

Satin Head Scarf

If you have curly hair, you know your pillowcase can turn your beautiful curls into nothing but knots. To avoid having to take a shower and redo your hair in the morning, put on a satin headscarf before bed so your hair won't rub against your cotton pillowcases. With a satin headscarf, you'll have fewer knots in the morning, and your hair will still have its bounciness. Or, you can opt-in for a satin pillowcase.


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If you have dry lips no matter the season, then you should always carry lip balm with you and keep an extra in your makeup bag for the morning. Putting on chapstick before you apply your lipstick can make your lips look softer so your lipstick can glide on. If you use matte lipstick, you may find your lips dry throughout the day, so make sure you use chapstick as needed to stop your lips from cracking and drying out.

Eye Cream

Eye cream is developed specifically for your eyes. While you can use any face moisturizer around your eyes, eye cream typically holds different ingredients to target the delicate undereye. Your under eyes are the thinnest skin on your face, which means they usually need a more robust moisturizing solution. When choosing an eye cream, opt for a product you can use day and night so you don't have to keep too many products on your countertop. Eye cream is another product that is never too early to start using, so it is vital to find one that moisturizes your under eyes the best.

Body Moisturizer

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When most people think of beauty, they think of their face. However, beauty also involves taking care of the skin all over your body. When looking for a daily moisturizer, choose one based on your skin and its needs. For example, if you have dry to very dry skin, look for a cream or lotion that was developed specifically as a deep-moisturize.

About The Author

Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego.

She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing.

Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.

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