Tuesday, March 31, 2020


By Ana Kippel 

Going Stir Crazy during Quarantine?

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This is a difficult time for everyone, especially parents. We are all going a bit stir crazy. Have no clue how to home school, and can’t entertain the kids enough.

However, as you are reading this, know that, you are not alone.

And yes…we all love our children. Having said that…

I one million per cent appreciate my kid’s teachers so much right now! 

I have three boys; one in grade 9, one in grade 6, and the oldest graduated high school and no longer lives at home. Peace and quiet is hard to come by in my household, now more than ever, and my kids are loud and argue all the time and as a result, I am always breaking up fights. I desperately need them to be in school. I am not a clean freak, but I like a clean house, and the mud on the walls, do not make me happy. There are always 15 pairs of shoes by the front door, soiled dishes in the sink, and don’t even get me started on the bathrooms! I don’t know how to cut hair, and they are in dire need of haircuts, so by the time this is all over, my boys will look like hippies. 

Can anyone relate?

So what do we do to stay sane? I have a few tips that I have been using so I don’t go stir crazy.

Start walking outside

Walking is very beneficial for many reasons; studies have shown that being in nature reduces tension and depression. It lowers stress levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol and improves mood. Try to make it a daily routine. Find a path and take your loved ones, or your dog, on a long walk and appreciate being outdoors. This is why I have so many muddy shoes by the door, but it’s all good. Therapy can also help to lower depression and tension. You can connect with the licensed therapists at BetterHelp to supplement the benefits of your daily walks.

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Wash all your beddings

Everyone has at least one thing that they’ve been trying to finish for what feels like forever. For me, it’s the linen closet. Often bedding that hasn’t been used gets that old smell, right? And while you’re at it, wash the towels as well. By the way, I found a great cleaning recipe on www.prairiehomestead.com for a fresh linen spray. 

It has vodka in it…but you can’t drink it.

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Work on your resume

Updating your resume is one of those tasks that fall by the wayside. It’s understandable—it’s hard, it takes a long time, and you should usually have several people look it over to find mistakes. Well, quarantine is ample time to get your resume in order for the next time you find yourself searching for a new job. Below are some sites that can help with working on a resume. www.Freesumes.com www.hloom.com

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Catch up on your reading 

Everyone always seems to be complaining that they don’t have enough time to read. I certainly don’t, and if you’re like me, you’re not at your finest level of reading pleasure while your kids are yelling, and you’re getting flooded with house chores. Isolation gives us a lot of downtime to fill, and while binging on the latest documentaries (my favourite) on Netflix is certainly one way to entertain yourself, wouldn’t it be much more productive and rewarding to attempt reading the pile of books on your night table?

Also, give kids a few choices of diverse books to read each day. If you do not have any new books you can visit some of the sites below, where you can download books for free.

Some of the best free online books for kids are Oxford Owl, International Children’s Digital Library, Amazon Ebooks, Barnes & Noble Free Nook Books for Kids.

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Organize and donate

I have gone through my basement and have 14 bags of toys and clothing to donate. Most people have clutter in the basement or garage. Separate the items you can donate into a bin and have a section for the trash. It is time consuming and exhausting, but it feels great to purge, or cleanse. Consider it a spring cleaning. 

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Cook / Bake together

Everyone is cooking more, baking more, or at least, learning how too. And this is defiantly something you can get the kids involved in. This week I made an incredible roasted cauliflower and leek soup, and brown sugar banana bread that I got from one of my favourite sites www.allrecipes.com. Or open up that dusty cook book that you’re great great aunt gave you at your wedding shower, 20 years ago.

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So many talented amazing yoga instructors are offering free classes that you can follow and join on Instagram! You can choose from Yin, a relaxed, meditative yet challenging, slow stretch class where each pose lasts 5 minutes. Yin Yoga is suitable for all levels of students. It targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that are not normally exercised in more active styles of asana practice. It helps restore the body. 

Or an Ashtanga class - the class combines yoga breathing technique (Ujjayi breath), sun salutations, and vinyasas to encourage the creation of space with the body, mind and nervous system. It leads students to develop strength, endurance, flexibility, proper alignment and grow in their own practice. Some experience is recommended. 

Or Power Flow classes that are lively, energetic, flowing classes synchronizing breath with movement. This class builds strength, flexibility, and concentration. These classes are unique as they do not follow a set sequence of postures. Each class is different and will vary from teacher to teacher. You can always expect a great cardiovascular and strength building workout combined with breath work. For a great yoga class follow @yogabodiesstudios on Instagram or follow Jenna Tabachnick or Yoga with Gordana, both on IG, and both incredible teachers. www.yogabodies.ca

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Or do you have a half-finished painting to work on? Working on a book or learning how to drive? Re-organize your basement, a closet, toy room, office, garage, or even the kitchen cabinets. These are the kinds of activities that often take a backseat to more urgent matters with each day’s limited hours. But this quarantine or self-isolation, can provide you with the time to tackle these projects that we never seem to finish, or are in the mood to do.

So each morning I decide to tackle a project. But first I have two eggs and half an avocado with my coffee. Then I clean up the kitchen from the night before. This is my ritual; don’t know if I will keep it up after this is all over, because for me, and I am sure for most people, staying at home for extended periods of time can be a challenge. So wash your hands, regularly wipe down the things you touch frequently, and try to use the time to accomplish something productive. 

And soon everything will be back to normal.

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  1. What a great article!!! I love all the suggestions and I was comforted to know another mom is facing the same challenges. We’re in this together!!! Thanks for sharing.
