Monday, February 24, 2020


By Claire Hastings

How to Thrive on The Internet
If You Are a New Entrepreneur

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Being an entrepreneur is a rather exciting career concept these days. A lot of people, especially those of younger generations, are trying to make it as entrepreneurs today. They simply like the idea of being their own bosses, pursuing their dreams, and not having to report to anyone. However exciting this career path might be, it can also be very challenging. This is mostly because, as a new entrepreneur, you still have to introduce yourself, your product, and your service to the world. Making your new business visible and appealing to the online audience is not always a simple thing to do. This is why we decided to help by providing you with some useful tips on how to thrive on the Internet as a new entrepreneur.

Invest In Social Media Marketing

When was the last time you spent your day without checking Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? You probably can’t remember. It’s ok, this just means that social media is a very important aspect of everyone’s life these days. So, if you want to thrive online, you should definitely take advantage of this situation by investing in social media marketing. Create sponsored posts, share your content on popular social networks, and engage with your customers via messages or comment sections. Check your stats regularly with a professional social proof tool and you will definitely have great results.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Try Your Best to Produce Quality Content

Sharing and promoting your content on social media is a valid strategy, but only if you have relevant and high-quality content to share. There is a lot of information on the Internet. Some of them are correct, some are wrong, some are well-written, and some are not. Therefore, if you want to stand out from the rest of the competition, you simply have to create quality content on a regular basis.

Search engines have a task to provide searchers with the best possible answers to their queries. So, if you want your website to rank high in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP), you simply must find a way to offer something valuable and different to your audience. The one thing you must keep in mind is this - the quality of the content is more important than ever. Google and other search engines value quality rather than quantity. Therefore, if you want to rank better and be more visible online, you should invest in a responsible content department.

Make Sure Your Website is Optimized for Mobile Devices

In the last few years, Google has been ranking websites that are not optimized for mobile poorer than other sites. This shouldn’t come as a surprise since most people these days use their mobile devices to search for specific things and browse. So, it’s in your best interest to optimize your new website for smartphones and tablets. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should neglect the desktop version of your site. Just make sure the design of your website has a responsive design because this way it will rearrange the content of the page based on the device your customer is using. If you want to rank better, this should be one of your priorities. If, however, you don’t yet have a website for your new business, a simple and elegant coming soon page wordpress might be the perfect solution for you.

Work With Social Media Influencers

Photo courtesy of Unsplash (Click to enlarge)

Previously in this article, we talked about how investing in your own social media marketing can benefit your new business. However, if you don’t have time to wait for your social marketing campaign to bring you new customers, you should try a more efficient strategy - working with social media influencers. This can be good for your business since successful social media influencers have a lot of followers on their channels, which means you will be able to introduce your product or service to a wide audience. This is something you wouldn’t be able to do yourself, especially at the beginning of your career. Just make sure to work with influencers from your own niche. This is the best way to reach your target audience.

Remove All The Dead Links From Your Page

Having relevant inbound and outbound links is a good thing, but having links that do not lead anywhere, or so-called dead links, shows that you don’t maintain your website on a regular basis. This is something search engines don’t like and this will cause your site to rank poor. Therefore, if there are any dead links on your page, you should try your best to correct or remove those, so they don’t misguide your customers and various search engines.

Thriving on the Internet as a new entrepreneur can be difficult, but these tips will help you to promote your business online and find new customers.

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