Thursday, January 23, 2020


By Guest Contributor

4 Secrets To Pack Light Like A Pro

Photo courtesy of Pexels

Traveling can be fun, but carrying heavy backpacks and luggage isn’t. Carrying a lot of items whenever traveling is very inconvenient as you’ll have to keep track of all your valuables and look for ways on how you can stay comfortable as you’re bringing all of these. In worse cases, heavy backpacks and luggage can cause body pain, preventing you from enjoying your trip.

For you to make the most out of your upcoming trips, make sure that you pack light. This strategy allows you to bring all of your essentials without compromising your comfort and excitement when traveling. Regardless if you’re traveling with movers near Manhattan to change your residence or travel for fun, knowing how to pack light is always a necessity.

Here are some of the secrets to packing light:

1. Only Bring The Must-Haves, Not The “Just In Case”

It’s common for individuals to bring a lot of items when traveling because they don’t want to be unprepared for whatever will happen during their trip. Instead of bringing sets of clothes, they would rather bring several pairs of pants and tops, and then decide what to wear the moment they arrive at their destination.

One of the easiest ways to pack light is to only bring your must-haves. This means that you should bring the clothes you wear on the average day, not all of the pieces from your cabinet for every possible situation.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

2. Pack For A Week

If you’re going to travel for months, make sure that you only pack items that will last for a week. Bringing clothes that will last for a month will usually require you to bring a lot of baggage, which can result in higher expenses and a lot of stress.

Visualize what you usually wear for a week and only include these items when packing. If you run out of clothes when traveling, you can always do your laundry.

The same notion is also true when moving to a new area. Regardless if you’re going to hire moving companies, you will still need time to unpack all of your moving boxes and transform your house into a home. Packing a week’s worth of clothes will allow you to easily accomplish these tasks without having the need to open random moving boxes just to find out where your clothes are.

3. Pack Layers

Traveling during the cold weather can make the experience more memorable. This is especially true if you’re doing it with your friends and family. But instead of bringing bulky jackets and coats for your trip, it’s best if you pack layers.

Packing multiple thin layers of clothing will take up less space in your luggage and provide more flexibility in your outfit choices. Bringing thin layers of clothing makes it easier for you to adapt to any weather changes.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

4. Use A Packing List

After deciding that you’re going to travel, you’ll usually go through your closet and assess which among your clothing pieces should be brought to your trip. However, if you want to pack light, you should stop doing this practice and use a packing list instead.

Going through your things without having any idea what to bring will tempt you to bring items that you don’t actually need. Having a packing list, on the other hand, will make it easier for you to pack light as you’ll know what you should and shouldn’t bring.

After booking your flights and accommodation, sit down and spend time determining what items do you actually need. Consider how long you are going to travel, what activities you will do when traveling and what the weather is like in your destination.

Use this list when packing, and regardless of how tempting it is to bring your new fur coat, if it’s not included in the list, leave it home.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Practice Makes Perfect

Traveling will require you to spend days outside your home, but this doesn’t mean that you should bring almost all of your valuables just to experience the same level of comfort. Aside from causing stress and inconvenience, bring too many items can also result in bigger expenses.

Make sure that all of your upcoming trips will become memorable by knowing how to pack light. This strategy might be unusual for you, but by practicing a lot of patience and using the right articles as your guide, it won’t be long before you can pack light like a pro!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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