Monday, January 20, 2020


By Ana Kippel

DesignTO January 17-26, 2020
A Historic Carnival of Design

Photo courtesy of DesignTO

Walking into the historic Berkley Church, immediately, I could feel the aura of the past and the present. Built in 1871 this church has to be the best location for the DesignTO Launch Party. A blend of charming, eclectic and vibrant artists and designers all here to support one another. Basically this is a community where once a year they can gather together and celebrate each other in the design industry.

This is DesignTO’s 10th year as a nonprofit organization. I spoke to the very welcoming Jeremy Vandermeij, Executive Director for Design TO and asked him why is this DesignTO Festival so important? Jeremy tells me that January is a good time for reflecting. Jeremy explains “Good art and good design cause self reflection, it gives deeper meaning to personal values and January is the perfect month to showcase designer’s work.” 

Photo courtesy of DesignTO (Click to enlarge)

Since January is just a dark somber month, Jeremy gives the artists a space where they can showcase their art. Having this platform for artists is extremely self gratifying. It gives them a sense of worth and self actualization. Design trends are always changing, whether you’re looking for a urban art piece or a new ceramic plate, this festival will provide unique and crafted workmanship. DesignTO features every type of design including lighting, ceramics, furniture, interior design, architecture and more….there are over 100 free exhibitions and events to enjoy from January 17-26 all over Toronto.

This January paint the town with DesignTO and marvel in the incredible talented work of over 600 artists. Personally I have so many events and exhibits I want to see I don’t know where to start!

Read more: Festival Schedule

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