Thursday, November 21, 2019


By Mia Taylor

6 Lessons to Learn From Parisian Women
That We All Need to Know

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Beauty, sophistication, a great sense of style, confidence and strength – all these words can be used to describe Parisian women who are truly inspiring. These admirable femmes mostly hold high positions in the office, they are equally respected and successful as men and they work on themselves constantly so that they are very knowledgeable… Since they are true ladies, we can learn a lot from them, and here are six lessons we all need to know to be as awesome and powerful as they are! 

We should have a strong character…

Men and women are equal. This is something Parisian women know well and they never settle for less. Women who come from Paris have strong characters and they speak up their minds, never allowing anyone to disrespect them, especially not men. In fact, in France, women are a symbol of strength and poise. They can also have great jobs and earn as much money as men and they even expect their husbands to take care of a lot of domestic duties. Their husbands cook and take care of children as much as they do. 

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…but still act like a true lady 

Even though they are tough, they are also real ladies with nice manners, who are polite, classy and proper in all situations. You will not hear them speak too loud or not say “Bonjour” and “excusez-moi” before asking a question. They also always dress according to the occasion, always respecting the dress codes. 

A flawless sense of style 

Paris is a city famous for its fashion, so it is not a surprise that women who come from this city have an enviable sense of style. They like turning heads, so they often wear beautiful dresses that flatter their figure. Anyone who wants to look like a stunning Parisian lady can check out what Realisation clothing offers because they have nice-looking dresses that make women look feminine and gorgeous, just like in Paris.

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Taking care of yourself 

Parisian women like investing in their looks, so men and women from all over the world admire their beauty. They eat healthily, exercise, use quality skincare and makeup products, pamper themselves, and do other things that they enjoy. Since they take care of their looks, it is impossible to find an overweight Parisian woman, and all of them look like models. 

Investing in your knowledge

You can also hear them discuss all sorts of topics with others, because they know a lot about politics, the arts, culture… They are well-informed and well-spoken, and they enjoy investing in their knowledge as much as in their looks. A big reason why these women are so confident is the fact that they follow news and read books and they like to work on themselves and show how smart they are. They also have their own opinions and they aren’t afraid of debates. 

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Teaching your kids to respect you

French children don’t act up against their parents. They are very polite and obedient, and they listen to their mothers and fathers. There is no screaming in restaurants, no fussing about something they don’t like, and they respect grown-ups. They are very civilized and sophisticated, just like their mothers. Parisian women are particularly strict, and because they are so awe-inspiring, their children are respectful little angels. 

Photo courtesy of Pexels

Parisian women are impressive for sure, and we can learn a lot from them. These women know who they are, and they always tend to become even better, nourishing their body and mind, so they are both great-looking and eloquent. Women from all over the world can look up to them and learn how to be true ladies. 

Mia Taylor (Photo courtesy of the writer)


Mia Taylor is a 33-year old blogger who writes about beauty, fashion and travel. She had always been passionate about fashion and over time she had developed a style of her own. Mia loves to mix and match and get inspire girls with her advice about outfit and accessories. She loves telling a story about her travels, providing beauty tips with readers.

Follow Mia on Twitter

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