Sunday, November 24, 2019


By Emma Willson

7 Korean Skin Care Tips
You Need To Know

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The unsettlingly gorgeous skin of Koreans is a mystery the world waits to unravel. The secret to their flawless skin has been a matter of awe for centuries until some authentic brands from this land of beauty decided to make it available to all. The recipes to their fabulous skin complexion and texture originate from their ancestors, who understood the value of internal health and skincare regimens to achieve dapper skin. Like the beauty products, Korean skincare tips are also simple everyday steps you can easily follow to achieve jaw-dropping gorgeous skin in no time. Here are seven easy skincare tips from the Korean collection that will help you prepare your skin to dazzle.

1. The right way to exfoliate: Exfoliation is the most common step in skincare to eliminate the dead skin cells from the layer above and bring out the young and beautiful layers from within. Korean women have a defined exfoliation strategy to ensure they only remove the dead skin cells without causing any damage to the texture of the skin. The right way to exfoliate involves gentle products focussed on one problem rather than a heavy product to do it all. They switch between exfoliants that can adjust to the current skin situation to achieve the best results. They also believe in smooth and gentle motions with exfoliants rather than rough strokes that could damage the skin beneath. Korean beauty products have a lot of innovative product ranges, such as masks, sheets, powders. They act on the specific problem effectively and give you naturally radiating skin.

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2. Steam massages and facials can help uproot all problems: Almost every street in Korea has skin clinics that give you facial steam massages and manicure. Steam facials are the secret to achieving a proper oil balance in the skin to bring hydration and moisture to the surface. It can also open the pores and ensure the products in your skincare regimen deliver results. Facial massages help improve blood circulation to bring color and glow to your skin. With your fingers, slightly massage your face with a mixture of circular motion and tapping in a rotating pattern. Start by massaging your forehead and slowly move to your cheekbones, cheeks, and finally to your jawbone. For best benefits include an oil cleanser or a facial serum to enhance hydration and nourishment to the skin. Cover your skin with enriching moisturizers such as QV Cream for best results. 

3. Benefit from the miracles of sheet mask: Sheet masks are the Korean beauty craze that has become increasingly popular around the world. There are varying benefits you can achieve from these sheet masks, which include hydration, moisturization, nourishment, exfoliation, skin lightening, brightening. Many sheet masks also contain serums that help resolve skin problems such as acne. They are very easy to use and effective within the few minutes you keep them on. While the chances that you use skin mask is high, the most important step to do before using it is to open the pores. You might like to have a private steam facial with a bowl of hot water at home, or you might choose to carry your sheet mask to the steam room or spa. Either way, use it after a steam session to ensure the serum from the sheet binds with your skin. Sheet masks must be a mandatory skincare regimen, especially during winter months, to keep your skin glowing and supple.

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4. Some rice recipes are for your skin too: Korean women have a long history of utilizing the impeccable benefits of rice water in their skin and hair care routine. Apart from enjoying the benefits of the ingredient in the kitchen, they use the water to nourish the skin. Rice water acts as a natural moisturizer that helps slow aging, fades age spots, brighten skin, lightens complexion, fades dark spots, pigmentation, and wrinkles, reduces dark circles. Prepare your very own rice water mixture to achieve glamorous skin easily. In a bowl, take a handful of rice and soak it in water for about 15 minutes. Extract the water from the mixture into the spray bottle, and this milky liquid is now a potential toner with tons of skin benefits. Several readymade Korean rice water products such as by FaceShop are also effective and can moisturize and nourish your skin well. Add them to your skincare must-have list to enjoy flawless supple skin.

5. They believe in the true potential of balancing your internal health: Koreans believe that providing your mind and body the required amount of rest and right nutrients is an important practice to ensure your body is in good health. They believe that the internal health reflects on the skin, and only by achieving it can one flaunt flawless skin. It is among the reasons why they insist on keeping up with your sleep regimen properly. Proper resting habits ensure your skin is repaired and ready to face the day. Also, including healthy seafood such as fish and broth can help enhance the omega fatty acids in your body that moisturize the skin. They trust in a low salt diet and fruit rich platter, both of which help the body achieve the perfect balance to wellness.

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6. They love their detoxing charcoal masks: Charcoal as a skincare ingredient has become popular around the world. It has detox properties that help draw impurities to the surface and eliminate them. Charcoal exfoliation is a step Koreans love to use. Charcoal sheet masks are also increasingly popular among them for achieving clean and dirt-free skin.

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7. And finally, the secret of Essences: Korean women swear by the benefits that essences can give to your skin. It is an irrevocable part of their skincare routine that enables the skin to retain the effects of the ingredients used. Essences are skin nutrients filled, mild solutions. They help in both cleansing as well as hydrating the skin. Creating a sandwich of an Essence layer between moisturizer or serum can help you receive the maximum benefits from your skincare routine. It improves skin elasticity and gives a youthful glow through proper nourishment and moisturization. 

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Korean skincare also believes in using skincare products in the right order to achieve the best benefits. Use the thumb rule of going from lightest to the heaviest, with the former closest to your skin. This way, your skin receives the best benefits from all products equally. Leverage these simple skin care tips from the land of flawless skin to achieve a gorgeous look. 

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