Monday, September 16, 2019


By Odette Viola

The U.S. States For Your Yoga Travel Bucket List 

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Yoga has always been a hit in the US, and over the years has morphed into different styles. No doubt that this ancient practice is growing everywhere, leading to vibrant yoga communities being established. 

The good news is, there are various yoga-friendly states across the country, where you can pick from various yoga studios and the kind of discipline that you prefer. 

In this post, we'll talk about some states in the US that you can add in your yoga travel bucket list: 

New York 

As they say, the city is like the mecca of everything ‒ including yoga. New York has a growing list of great and diverse yoga studios, so it's quite easy to take some headspace in the city that never sleeps. Here, you'd find the best instructors, exceptional studios, plus, a bunch of yogi friends along the way. 

In fact, the residents of the Big Apple are 34 percent more likely to practice yoga than the average population. It doesn’t come as a surprise, because of the presence of exceptional yoga studios, and various yoga related events held in the city. 

But NYC isn’t the only one who has a fascination with this ancient practice. Yoga is practiced widely in the state, and in fact, it’s known to be one of the most yoga-obsessed states in the country. 

New York City (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)


Ever since California has always been the face in health and wellness trends in the country, and yoga is one of those trends that eventually stuck around. 

It might also have been the state that jump started the practice of yoga in the US, especially during the 1960s when the free-minded culture was exceptionally rampant in the state. 

San Francisco even has a yoga room in one of its waiting terminals. Actually, it’s one of the states to do so. The health-conscious city is absolutely in love with yoga. Even companies like Google and Samsung even have on-site yoga studios in their respective facilities. 

The variety of yoga practices that this city offers draws aspiring yogis and veteran teachers alike. It also maintains a rich tradition for the healing arts and other spiritual practices. Another interesting thing that you need to know about San Francisco is that it is where the Yoga Journal came into fruition, and it is a city wherein the exceptional yoga teachers thrive. 

You can also check out the vibrant yoga scene in other cities like LA, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and everywhere in between. 

San Diego (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)


Philadelphia is the main city that brought Pennsylvania to this list. Residents of this health-conscious city are 42% more likely to practice yoga than the average population. 

With basically hundreds of great yoga studios to choose from, it wouldn’t be so hard to pick the perfect studio where you can both sweat and meditate. It also serves as a haven for practitioners of all levels. 

The Studio B Yoga Center is named as the best yoga studios in the world. There are two locations in the city, offering reasonable yoga classes, the best massages, and reiki energy treatment. 

Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)


Colorado is another state that serves as a breeding ground for yoga. Since one’s overall well-being is important to the people living in Colorado, it ranks consistently as one of the healthiest and happiest states. 

The city of Denver, for instance, is known to be one of the healthiest cities in the country, offering one a variety of recreational activities, and more and more residents are choosing to hit the mat. With the city’s rapidly growing yoga scene and year-long sunshine, it remains to be one of the choices for yoga practitioners. 

Boulder is another city that’s been gaining a lot of attention lately. Many yogis are drawn to this city for various reasons. It’s a combination of cultural strains, and this is shown with the people that you meet on yoga classes. 

The wonderful thing about it is that it as an eclectic mix that perfectly blends in harmony. The majority of its population is a mix of hippies, college students, spiritual teachers, entrepreneurs, and athletes always seeking a bit of adventure. Because yoga is a great way to tone the muscles and stretch them, it’s one of the top choices for outdoor athletes. 

Also, because the city is sitting on the base of the breathtaking Flatiron mountains, it gives a perfect backdrop for picturesque views during outdoor classes. 

Photo courtesy of Unsplash


Washington is another state that serves as home to many yoga lovers. The people of this rainy yet beautiful state are 46% more likely to practice yoga than the average population. This is mainly because of Seattle, known to be one of the Yoga to the People destinations in the country. 

It’s also a city wherein the We Yoga Co-op thrives, whose mission is to create a community that’s built through yoga. 

For those who had become more and more distant in their local communities, Seattle offers various activities for yoga lovers; a chance to be more than just a usual student or participant in the class. Instead, to make a difference in their local community. Aside from yoga you can also check out the other things that you can do in Seattle.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash


This artic land lying outside of the US does love yoga. In fact, even during the colder months, some yogis might even be practicing hot yoga, which helps build the inner body heat! Alaska has been swept away with the practice so much, that more isolated practitioners are practicing it right out of their homes. 

You’d also be surprised that Alaska is where most yoga studios are located than any other state. Being the largest city, Anchorage is one of them. Although its population is less than 300,000 in 2010, it still managed to have over 20 different studios. The long, cold, dark winter season certainly didn’t stop them.

Chase Trail, Talkeetna, AK 99676 (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

So there you have it. Those are some of the most yoga-friendly states in the US. The next time you visit some of these places, make sure to head to a nearby studio to clear your thoughts!


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