Monday, April 1, 2019


By Claire Hastings

How to Organise a Luxury Fashion Event

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Producing a fashion show is exciting – presenting a fashion designer in the best way possible and creating an unforgettable event is something every event producer can wish for. Of course, organising and handling such a huge event is not easy, since all of the professionals need to fit like pieces of a puzzle and work hard in order for the event to go smoothly. In order for you to achieve that, we’ve gathered a list of tips for successfully organising a luxury fashion event

Make a great first impression

How the first meeting with your new client goes is often crucial for your future collaborations. That’s why it is so important to make a great first impression. How does one achieve that? Well, in order to impress the fashion designer and their business partner and their various assistants, you need to be well-prepared. That means doing extensive research on your client’s past collaborations and shows, figuring out what their approach is and coming up with a list of ideas that are in line with the designer’s vision. Working hard and coming up with something innovative for the event will serve an indicator of how professional and creative you are. By presenting your ideas in a way that assures the designer that you’re up to par and that your experience in live show production matches their expectations, you’re guaranteed to succeed, thus landing a gig.

Find the right people to work with

Photo courtesy of Unsplash (Click to enlarge)

After the initial meeting and approval to start preparing for the show, you’ll need to find a reliable team of professionals to work with, thus making your job a lot easier. Managing teams of experts can be tough, so make sure you take notes and assign jobs to everyone. Hair and makeup professionals, a seamstress, a sound designer, a graphic designer, a marketing team, as well as a social media expert – all of them are necessary for organising a fashion event. You want to make sure that you hire the best in the industry. A good marketing team will come up with different marketing strategies, while a social media expert will promote the event, highlighting its features in order to attract the audience. Let’s not forget the food and drinks – an essential part of every luxury event. There are catering companies in NYC that will provide you with a customised event menu and artistic approach to food design. 

Decide on a budget

One of the things that might get in your way on putting on the best fashion show possible is the budget. The last thing you want to deal with when in the middle of organising an event is having insufficient funds and being unable to realise all that you had in mind. That is why you need to talk to the client and set the financial boundaries in order to avoid overspending. Think about who you need to hire and write down the cost of everything. Staff, catering, marketing materials, fixtures, decoration – many things need to be taken into account when organising an event with a strict budget. Sometimes, organising an event means some savvy budgeting, but be sure not to sacrifice the quality of the event. 

Plan out every little detail

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Once the teams of professionals have been assembled and you’ve made sure everyone is assigned a job, you’ll need to focus on planning the event in terms of venue decor, the set, and the overall fashion show flow. First, you need to think about the venue and the way it’s going to look. It is important to see the big picture here – consider the theme of the event, the guest list and the space for the runway – everything needs to be planned out to the tiniest detail. After the designer approves of the design, next thing you need to focus on is the schedule of the event, how the show will ‘’flow’’. You’ll need to make a list, a ‘’show flow’’, which is basically a chart that tells you about who is in charge for what, what happens when, and the order in which everything should go. 

When it comes to hosting fashion events, it can be a lot of fun. It allows for your creativity to shine through while reflecting the designer’s core idea. Follow our tips for organising a luxury fashion event successfully, thus creating a memorable experience.

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