Wednesday, December 26, 2018


By Claire Hastings

Travel Trends for 2019

Bolivia (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

Whenever we hear the classic pop hit Been around the world and I, I, I, I can’t find my baby, we sing our hearts out. But how much do we actually relate to this song? Have we really been around the world? Not many people can answer with a “yes”, but most of us definitely have this as a goal for the future. This is why planning our trips for the following year is extremely important – not only will we manage to get the lowest prices on the plane tickets and the accommodation, but we will have plenty of time to think about our budget and all the activities that we will immerse into once there. Some destinations seem to be much more popular than others, and if you really want to follow the travel trends of the following year, these are the things that you need to have in mind:

Going solo

If you’re generally tired of people or have nobody who wants to visit the destination you’re after, you can always consider traveling solo. Unlike in past years, this trend is becoming more and more popular nowadays, both for guys and girls. If you choose this option, you really have to think carefully about the destination that you want to check out, as not every country is safe, especially if you want to wander around by yourself and explore the surroundings.

There are many guides online on how to travel solo, especially if you’re a girl and most of them agree that you need to make certain contacts with the people who are traveling with you on the plane or are accommodated at the same hotel, and that you always have the most important documents with you. It’s definitely not easy to travel by yourself, but, on the other hand, it’s very healthy to be selfish at times and actually do the things that you really want. If that means traveling alone and exploring your most wanted destinations, so be it.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Exploring new destinations

In the last couple of years, we tried to explore all the distant and rarely visited places that hadn’t been so popular with tourists in the previous decade. After hanging out with animals in the heart of Africa and seeing the Aurora Borealis in Iceland, it’s time to focus on something new. So perhaps, this time, it’s time to go to Asia.

One of the destinations that has gained a lot of popularity recently is Vietnam, so choosing this country as your 2019 big destination is a great idea. Vietnam has so many things to offer and each corner is completely different. After landing in the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, and spending a couple of days there, you can opt for a Dalat solo travel and explore all the mesmerizing hills, pine forests, lakes and waterfalls. Since it’s very difficult to fight the urge to see every corner of the Lam Dong Province, opting for a Dalat motorbike rental is a great way to explore even further. Not only will you witness some of the most beautiful landscapes but you will also be in love with all the things to do in Dalat!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

All on Instagram

Even though this has been a trend for some time now, it seems that 2019 will see even more of our travels on Instagram. If you choose to see Vietnam, for example, make sure to bring your power bank with you as you will take photos of practically everything – there is a risk of losing a couple of followers due to spamming, but if you play your cards right and learn how to edit photos in the best possible way, you can become a great travel blog influencer. This is why Instagram is one of the biggest travel trends of 2019, but make sure to know all of the best apps that you have to use.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

TV travel

It’s very fascinating how the cinema and TV can encourage us to go and travel to a new destination. After Game of Thrones, the tourism in Croatia reached its peak, while all the fans of the TV show Outlander purchased their tickets to see Inverness in Scotland. Scotland, for example, even has an Outlander tour that will take all the tourists to the most important landscapes and castles featured in the TV show. This means that if you’re in love with a certain destination from your favorite TV show, now is the time to visit it!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Traveling is always great, regardless of the destination or the people you travel with. However, if you really want to be influential and experience something new and modern, then bearing in mind these trends is very much advisable. Have a great trip!

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