Wednesday, November 28, 2018


By Guest Contributor

How to Style Yourself
Like a Runway Model

Photos courtesy of W Magazine, howled photography, and Heavy Heinz

How many times have you found yourself flipping through fashion magazines or scrolling through photos online and wishing you could style yourself like the runway models do? They always look so put together, fashion-forward, and most of all, effortless with their style. Now, to make you feel a little better about things, chances are those models you see have all been styled to the gills by a professional stylist. This means you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself, but at the same time, there are ways you can use their looks as inspiration and carry it into your everyday style.

Here, we’ll take a look at some of the ways you can style yourself like a runway model and make a statement all of your own.

Do Your Research and Check Out High-Fashion Photos

Of course, it’s pretty hard to fashion yourself like a runway model without a little research. A great idea is to flip through high-fashion photos and take a look at what photographers tend to capture and focus on. It could be that you are missing key elements which are throwing your look off.

An example can be seen at, which is a still life photographer and product photographer based in London. The company specialises in capturing high-end jewellery, accessories, and fashion; all the ingredients you need to look like a runway model. 

Photo courtesy of howlett photography

As you browse through their online portfolio, it can be quite enlightening to see what items pop off the screen and really create their own statement. It’s not always about the brightest colour or the trendiest piece; sometimes it’s about how all the accessories and elements work together. This is a great way to approach your own look.

Work on Creating Your Own Personal Style

While research about top designers, accessories, and what the models are wearing is definitely helpful and necessary, at the same time it's important that you start to develop your own personal style. The best way to do this is to look for ways in which you can inject your personality into top trends and fashions. 

Let’s say the in colour this season is burnt orange, so why not look for a way to wear the colour that works for you, your shape, and your lifestyle? Just because you saw a top model wearing skin tight burnt orange leather trousers, doesn’t mean you need to wear the colour in the exact same way.

Model off-duty look (Photo courtesy of Heavy Heinz)

Stick to the Effortless Look

As mentioned above, one thing that models are famous for is always looking effortless. Sure they are in these fashion magazines, but they always have a way of looking like they just quickly threw their outfit, hair, and makeup together and are just effortless in their style. This is a great rule for you to follow yourself. You don’t want to overdo things and look too stiff or overly done up. Soft, effortless, and natural are the key to looking like a top model.

Ease Off on the Large Jewellery

The final tip is to ease back on wearing oversized jewellery pieces. While these statement pieces can often be seen as a great item to add to your look, the fact is that models tend to let the outfit, fresh skin, and stylish hair do the talking.

Photo courtesy of Pexels

Each of these tips can be used in your everyday look so that you can start to look and feel like a top runway model yourself.

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