Friday, June 22, 2018


By Guest Contributor

Show Your True Colours
with Personalised Clothing!

Photos courtesy of Zara and Unsplash

With so many options to pick from when it comes to clothing these days, it’s easy to get lost in a whirlwind of apparent irrelevance, falling into the same trap that catches so many others around you – the sheer availability of all those choices can make it difficult to actually pick something to wear! If you’re feeling stuck in a similar situation, don’t worry – you’re far from alone, and many people out there share your struggle. Thankfully, it’s actually pretty easy to figure out a way to stand out from the crowds as long as you put your mind to it, and there are tons of things you could do to give your appearance a nice boost!

Prints and Stamps

By far one of the easiest ways to give your clothes a little extra personal flair is to look into printed and stamped designs. These can be surprisingly easy to come across – or even create yourself from scratch – and they can work well on a variety of clothes, not just t-shirts. Of course, you should make it a point to follow some sensible rules with those designs and ensure that they’re always tasteful, but as long as you already have some idea of what works best for your personal style, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Photo courtesy of Zara

Sewing Labels and Patches

Sewing labels are another great way to do something extra with your clothes without being too tacky. While they’re normally used for more practical purposes, such as identifying different items of clothing or assigning inventory in a professional environment, knowing how sewing labels can be used to improve the appearance of an item of clothing is important. This trend is actually making a comeback in a pretty big way recently, and if you’re looking for a creative, yet simple way to add something personal to your clothes, this is one of the best things you can do right now.

Tailor Adjustments

Last but not least, don’t forget that a few simple adjustments can go a long way in making an article of clothing feel like it was truly made to be worn by you. You don’t have to go as far as getting everything custom-made from the ground up, but getting that new shirt adjusted at a tailor who knows what they are doing can make all the difference between just barely fitting and following every curve of your body perfectly. And in the grand scheme of things, this can have a huge impact on how people perceive you, and the kind of impression you make with your style.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Don’t limit yourself to what’s available at the store! There is so much more that you could do with your style, and it makes no sense to limit the potential of your appearance just because you’re afraid to think outside the box. A little exploration can go a long way in helping you make the most out of your looks, and before you know it, you’ll be turning heads on the street and making an impression you’ve never even dreamt of!

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