Wednesday, July 13, 2016


By Guest Contributor

Crazy Celebrity Beauty Regimens

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We know celebrities are paid to look good, and they usually have an entire crew to get them camera-ready. But on their own, some of them have been known to try some very unorthodox methods to look good. If you think milk baths and coconut oil are strange, you ain't seen nothing yet.

With so many beauty products online and in stores, how do you know what works for you? Will you be willing to try what these celebrities do in the name of beauty?

1. Victoria Beckham

Who knew Victoria Beckham can be linked to something that involves nature? The pop-star-turned-fashion-designer smears bird poop on her face to make it smooth and shiny. The bird poop facial, AKA the Geisha Facial, is an ancient Japanese beauty practice that made use of nightingale poop. Posh apparently found it useful, since she also got her husband David on board.

Um, I think I'll pass, thanks. What's wrong with some yoghurt, honey and egg white?

Photo courtesy of ZALORA Community

2. Demi Moore

Want to know her secret to youthful skin? Leeches. Yup, you read that right. On the David Letterman show, the 51-year-old revealed that she travels all the way to Austria to let "highly trained" medical leeches remove toxins from her blood, as well as bruises and under-eye circles, so she can attain that externally youthful look. It's called “leech therapy” detox, and Moore said, "It detoxified the blood and I’m feeling detoxified right now."

And you thought the queen from Snow White was crazy.

Photo courtesy of ZALORA Community

3. Kate Hudson

The 35-year-old actress swears by this skin trick: when her skin is looking dull and tired, she dunks her face in an ice bath to revive her glow. "A little water and a lot of ice," she said. And how long does she submerge her face in freezing water? “It depends how badly I want it."

To be fair, cold water does tighten your pores and retain elasticity in your skin, but I'm not sure if it actually restores radiance. Well, at least she's not the craziest of the lot.

Photo courtesy of ZALORA Community

4. Shailene Woodley

The latest beauty craze to sweep Tinseltown is this ancient Ayurvedic technique for oral health, called oil pulling. Apart from Woodley, Gwyneth Paltrow and Lauren Conrad have gotten on board too. What you do is swill about a teaspoon of coconut oil around the mouth for twenty minutes before spitting it all out into a bin (not the sink, unless you want to clog it up). This purportedly helps to improve gum health, whiten teeth and draw toxins out of the body, while preventing gum disease, hangovers and migraines.

Photo courtesy of ZALORA Community

Will you try any of these bizarre beauty regimen? Heard of any other weird ones? Share them in the Comments section!

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