Thursday, July 31, 2014


Press Release

Telstra Perth Fashion Festival
in partnership with FIDé Fashion Weeks

TPFF 2014 campaign (Photo courtesy of Telstra Perth Fashion Festival)

FIDé Fashion Weeks is delighted to announce the forthcoming Telstra Perth Fashion Festival which takes place from the 22nd September in Perth, Western Australia. As part of a 17th special ‘International Program’, the festival will be partnering with FIDé Fashion Weeks and the Asian Couture Federation.

Telstra Perth Fashion Festival (TPFF) is Western Australia’s largest annual fashion event, aiming to showcase the best of this state’s and the nation’s fashion and creative industries. In a landmark step, this year will also see a special ‘International Program’, showcasing leading international designers Sebastian Gunawan and Michael Cinco, both of whom are members of the Asian Couture Federation.

As partners to the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival, FIDé Fashion Weeks will be working closely with the Asian Couture Federation to develop and present the International Program and the two designers. They will bring the same level of professionalism, expertise and content that has been the hallmark of their highly successful initiatives across Asia. This has included establishing a number of firsts in Singapore, with the creation of Men’s Fashion Week and Couture Week – being Asia’s first men’s fashion week outside of Paris and Milan, and the only Couture Week outside of Paris.

ACF 1st Annual General Meeting - Ms. Emily Hwang, Dr. Frank Cintamani, Mr. Kenzo Takada

Founding FIDé Fashion Weeks Chairman, Dr. Frank Cintamani, commented, “Given Perth’s position as a ‘gateway to Asia’, we see this as a tremendous opportunity to present exceptional Asian couturiers on an important additional international platform. The combination of the very best Asian couture talent alongside leading Western Australian designers will be a key milestone in Perth’s ascendance on the world stage for fashion.”

The ‘International Program’, will see Sebastian Gunawan and Michael Cinco present in Perth for the first time as part of a special Opening Night. During the Festival, they will also be part of a series of satellite events and initiatives as a means of providing engagement and discussion on various aspects of fashion, creativity and business. This is in keeping with the Asian Couture Federation’s mission to provide platforms and exposure to its talented members.

Commenting on the support of the Asian Couture Federation, Vice-President, Ms. Emily Hwang, said “it is important for the Federation to find ways for Asian designers to gain wider recognition. We are pleased that two of our couturiers will be presenting at the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival as a means of bringing their artistry and craftsmanship to a wider audience.”

This marks, a key milestone in positioning Perth as the ‘gateway to Asia’, and building closer relationships between Western Australia with the rest of the Asian region. Telstra Perth Fashion Festival Director, Ms. Mariella Harvey- Hanrahan, said, “We are extremely excited to be bringing international couture designers of this calibre to Perth and to give our WA audiences the chance to witness gowns that grace the catwalks of Couture Fashion Week shows globally,”

Sebastian Gunawan, The Chinese Garden, 17 January 2014 

Sebastian Gunawan (Photos courtesy of

About Telstra Perth Fashion Festival

Telstra Perth Fashion Festival (TPFF) is Western Australia’s largest annual fashion event, aiming to showcase the best of this state’s and the nation’s fashion and creative industries. Telstra Perth Fashion Festival strives for accessibility using the language of fashion to empower people all over Australia and the world. TPFF will shine the spotlight on Perth and WA as a prominent, creative and vibrant destination. The Festival was founded in 1999 by Mariella Harvey-Hanrahan, whose unwavering vision has seen the Festival continue to grow in stature and scope throughout its fifteen years. This year the TPFF announced a major milestone in the history of the Festival, its first Naming Rights Sponsorship Agreement with Telstra, a leading telecommunications and information services company in Australia. 

Telstra Perth Fashion Festival exists to celebrate nurture and be an advocate for all aspects of the WA fashion industry. The Festival aims to provide a platform for all up and coming designers whilst celebrating the highly sought after labels seen on its runways. It will run over six days from 17 to 22 September 2014. Further information regarding the TPFF 2014 program of events and venues will be unveiled after the official Program Launch in August 2014. The Telstra Perth Fashion Festival is supported by the State Government significantly through Tourism WA and the Department of Culture and the Arts. The Festival also receives support from the City of Perth. 

About FIDÉ Fashion Weeks 

FIDé Fashion Weeks has been the leading force behind some of the most exclusive fashion weeks in Asia. Since 2011, they have been synonymous with ground- breaking fashion initiatives including Men’s Fashion Week, Women’s Fashion Week, French Couture Week, and Asian Couture Week. As such, they work closely with designers from La Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, Alta Roma, Council of Fashion Designers of America and the Asian Couture Federation. 

FIDé Fashion Weeks aims to maintain its objective of presenting the very best of international fashion in Asia and the creation of a platform for gifted Asian designers to showcase their talents to the world. 

Michael Cinco at Dubai's Fashion Forward (Photo courtesy of

Michael Cinco at Dubai's Fashion Forward (Photo courtesy of

About The Asian Couture Federation 

Inaugurated in 2013, the Asian Couture Federation was set up to inspire, support, and promote the highest levels of Asia-based fashion design artistry to the Asian and global markets. The ACF aims to proactively assist with the development of a more attractive landscape for such talented Asian designers to remain in Asia and have their businesses headquartered in Asia for the global market. As the world’s #1 market for fashion and luxury, the ACF seeks to support such talent and promote the creativity of its best local designers, to both Asian and worldwide audiences. 

The Asian Couture Federation is a self-financed, non-profit public company. It is overseen by the Executive Board, led by Founding President, Dr. Frank Cintamani, Vice President, Ms. Emily Hwang, and its Honorary President, Mr. Kenzo Takada and regulates the day-to-day governance of the ACF and the implementation of its programs and activities. It is supported by the Board of Governors, which is made up of Asia’s top fashion creative and business luminaries. The Governor’s role is to create and direct major policy decisions to guide the ACF’s mission and its activities. It recognizes two groups of designers - those that are established senior members and who are inducted as ‘Asian Couturier Extraordinaire’ and ‘Invited Members’ for those who exhibit exceptional potential.