Wednesday, June 26, 2013


By Lynda Castonguay

They came out in Spades

Photo by Lynda Castonguay

TORONTO - This past Thursday, Elle Canada hosted a VIP shopping event at the new Kate Spade store in Yorkville. Quietly and quaintly located on Cumberland Street, the cobble stone feel and the pedestrian only vibe (albeit not, as evidenced by the line up of luxury vehicles) made for the perfect, laid back, but ever so colourful event taking place inside one of the most inviting and airy establishments I have ever stepped into. 

Upon opening the Tiffany blue, glass pane door, you were smacked silly with the entire colour spectrum. The instant explosion of colour was inescapable. Sunny bright yellows to my left, stop-you-in-your-track oranges straight ahead, and retro patterns to my right. With this kind of entrance, the excitement in seeing the second floor was now building.

Photo by Lynda Castonguay

Waiting at the doorway were handsome men all decked in black serving attendees champagne. The bubbly was so delicious in fact that I could not contain my excitement when I asked the dapper, blond haired, blue eyed server if he could generously give me more champagne and his response was a zealous “Heck Yes !!!!!”. The twinkle in his eyes pulled on a heart string. We shared a moment. 

Kate Spade is a brand that is very approachable and has an aesthetic that speaks to and reaches every woman. The happiness you feel when you see a Kate Spade bag was wholly translated in the design of the store. It was exactly how Elle Canada’s Editor in Chief, Noreen Flanagan, described: as inviting and delectable as a French Macaron. 

Photo by Lynda Castonguay

In true Rachel Zoe form, the bags, accessories, and clothing were major! This is not really considered new news when talking about Kate Spade, though. She is simple, understated, yet provocative and attention-grabbing. Those are the contradictory and winning ingredients to her recipe for success.

The vibrant staff is another reason to visit the store. They were gracious, cheery, sprightly, and brightly outfitted - in Kate Spade no doubt. They dabbled in excited conversation with customers and they certainly did not hold back when complimenting my skirt - a pleated knee length black leather skirt with a back exposed zipper. I looked delicious according to one sales consultant and that is when I lost all control of my blushing.

Photo by Lynda Castonguay

I met the beautiful Isabella, a full time sales associate, and a once fashion-now-food blogger. As I told her that I don’t buy on impulse, she accepted my non-compulsory shopping tendencies, but in true sales form, she urged me to come back in July as new merchandise is always rolling in. 

It’s said that the devil is in the detail. But for Kate Spade, that is not what lays there. Beauty lies in the detail - the engravings on her bracelets, the sweet nothings on her linings, and the finely tuned pops of colour and patterns. That is the Kate Spade way. 

In the game of life, what matters is not the hand that you are dealt, but rather, how you play that hand. Bloody hearts, beautiful diamonds, strong clubs and aggressive spades. The Jokers, the strong pairs, the measly singles, the game changing crazy eights - they are yours to play wisely, safely, humorously, or boldly. Tonight’s evening was a loud reminder that the deck this American designer is playing from is stacked and she’s carrying a loaded hand... all Spades.

All photos by Lynda Castonguay

All photos by Lynda Castonguay

Lynda Castonguay at Kate Spade, Yorkville

All photos by Lynda Castonguay

Lynda Castonguay

Read more about shopping in Toronto:

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