Saturday, March 24, 2012


Press Release


Photo courtesy of Benneton

In London the Colors “Survival Guide” goes on display at the Design Museum. And simultaneously on the digital network of trendsetting United Colors of Benetton stores in Europe. 3 to 13 April 2012.

Benetton Icon Stores, United Colors of Benetton's network of trendsetting shops, revamped to become international focal points of fashion, web culture, publicly-participated multimedia experimentation and lifestyle, present a series of events in European design capitals, attesting the value that United Colors of Benetton ascribes to art, architecture and design: fundamental inspirations for the brand, and experiences to be actively shared, be it in museums, while shopping or just in everyday things.

In London, from 3 to 13 April, the exhibition Happiness and Other Survival Techniques, inspired by COLORS magazine's trilogy (Happiness, Shit and Transport), will be presented at the prestigious Design Museum and concurrently at Benetton Icon Stores in London, Milan, Barcelona and Paris. COLORS, the magazine that talks about the rest of the world, is published by Fabrica, Benetton Group's communication research centre.

The Icon Stores will host the projection of videos and artistic animations about the COLORS London exhibition on the Benetton Live Windows: a network of large high-definition videowalls, which transform traditional store windows into high-tech multimedia screens, giving rise to a new customer experience where the individual's approach becomes a participatory experience. This Benetton Group project, developed by Fabrica for selected Benetton flagship stores, recently won the Gold Apex Award for the Retail category in Las Vegas during Digital Signage Expo, the world's number one event for the interactive technology and digital signage sector.

Visitors to Benetton Icon Stores will be led through the stories of COLORS, in an unpredictable journey through our habits and contradictions: an unusual and authentic world, as only reality can ever be. They will also be offered copies of the magazine alongside other in-store initiatives inspired by different cultures, young people’s creativity and the future of new media.

Benetton is not new to the Design Museum, London: in 2007 the complete collection of COLORS magazines was exhibited, together with 24 other objects that have made the history of design, during “25/25”, an event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Boilerhouse, the original nucleus of the museum.

Photo courtesy of Colors Magazine

N° 83 - Happiness (Spring 2012)

Happiness, the spring issue presented as a worldwide preview at the London Design Museum, explores the different approaches to joy, from neuroscience and plastic surgery to Prozac and positive psychology. From Korea to Mexico and China to Finland, this is a handy guide to how to cheer yourself up, and why the World Health Organisation predicts that within 20 years, depression will be the most widespread illness on the planet.

N° 82 – Shit (Autumn 2011)

Faeces, Excrement. Dung, Poo. Crap. Call it what you like, but the topic is still off limits to this day. Around two thirds of the world's population do not have a toilet or latrine, and as a result, simple intestinal viruses kill more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis put together. Poo can be a weapon of mass destruction and biological pollution, but it is also a fuel or a fertilizer: it can warm us, feed us and heal us. It is the most underrated resource in the world, and it can save our lives.

N° 81 – Transport (Summer 2011)

The complex grid of land, sea and air transport constantly feeds the economic development of the planet. 90% of journeys take place thanks to oil, a resource which is rapidly running out. Soon, for example, we may no longer be able to fill up the 140 million cars that currently move around the United States. COLORS tells the stories of those who, under the pressure of local circumstances, or simply to follow their own dreams, have adopted ingenious, sustainable, alternative solutions for their travels.


United Colors of Benetton is the Group’s iconic global brand, with an international style composed of colour, energy, comfort and the total needed for everyday life. These key elements are all expressed in the brand’s fundamental value: passion for quality, with a strong commitment to comfort and style. The United Colors of Benetton clothing collections for women, men and children each season offer a total look suited to everyday life, from work to free time, in the city and outdoors. The brand is present in numerous other areas, from elegant accessories to eyewear, and from fragrances to luggage.


Founded in 1991, COLORS is a quarterly magazine that makes use of a network of collaborators hailing from all corners of the globe. In addition to the four bilingual editions (English + Italian, French, Spanish and Korean), starting with issue n° 83 Happiness, there is also a Chinese edition, distributed throughout China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.

Design Museum at night (Photo by Luke Hayes)

Design Museum, London

The Design Museum is the world’s leading museum devoted to architecture and industrial design. It is working to place design at the centre of Contemporary culture. It demonstrates both the richness of the creativity to be found in all forms of design, and its importance. The Design Museum is the definitive voice of contemporary design in the UK. Founded in 1989 and currently located in Shad Thames, its work encompasses all elements ofdesign, including product design, graphic design, and fashion. For the past 22 years, the museum has hosted exhibitions showcasing some of the most important pioneers of design including, Paul Smith, Zaha Hadid, Jonathan Ive, and Dieter Rams. The Design Museum plans to relocate from its current home at Shad Thames to the former Commonwealth Institute building, in Kensington, West London. The project is expected to be completed by 2014. Leading designer John Pawson will convert the interior of the Commonwealth Institute building to create a new home for the Design Museum giving it three times more space in which to show a wider range of exhibitions, showcase its world class collection and extend its learning programme. For more information please visit:

Happiness and Other Survival Techniques
3-13 April 2012
Inauguration: Tuesday 3 April, 7:00 pm
Design Museum
Shad Thames
London SE1 2YD

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